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least significant digit中文是什么意思

用"least significant digit"造句"least significant digit"怎么读"least significant digit" in a sentence


  • 最大位
  • 最低位数字
  • 最低位有效数字
  • 最低有效数字符
  • 最低有效位
  • 最小有效数字
  • 最小有效位


  • The roundtrip might fail because one or more least significant digits are lost or changed in a conversion
  • It is analogous to the least significant digit of a decimal integer which is the digit in the ones or right - most position
    这与数字权重最轻的数字类似,它是最右边位置处的数字。 )
  • Two apparently equivalent floating - point numbers might not compare equal because of differences in their least significant digits
  • Two floating - point numbers that appear equal for a particular precision might not compare equal because their least significant digits are different
  • On a calculator , the increase of the least significant digit in the result of a calculation by one if the highest decimal place dropped off has a value of more than zero
    在计算器中,如果计算结果舍弃的最高位十进位数字大于零,则剩馀部分的最低有效位加1 。
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